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Dunn Ave branch

1338 Dunn Ave Jacksonville, FL 32218

Opening Time

Monday - Sunday10:00 AM - 03:00 AM

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Edgweood Ave branch

808 Edgewood Ave N, Jacksonville, FL 32254

Opening Time

Monday - Sunday10:00 AM - 03:00 AM

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Mr Snappers
Mr Snappers
Why Choose Us

Why People choose Snappers


Menu for every taste

Welcome to MR-Snappers Chicken and Fish Restaurant, where culinary delights meet the diverse tastes of our valued customers. Our menu is a gastronomic journey designed to satisfy every palate.


Fresh ingredients

Our commitment to quality starts with the freshest ingredients. We believe that exceptional dishes are born from the finest components, and our menu reflects this dedication to flavor, healthiness, and culinary excellence.

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Reasonable Cost

We understand that great food should be accessible to everyone. That's why we're proud to offer a dining experience where you can savor exceptional dishes without breaking the bank.


Extra Delicious

At MR-Snappers Chicken and Fish Restaurant, we take pride in crafting a dining experience that goes beyond the ordinary. Welcome to a world where flavor knows no limits, and every dish is prepared with an extra dose of deliciousness.

Mr Snappers
Mr Snappers
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